Saturday, April 4, 2009

Did you hear it?

Did you that noise Thursday night? Well, that was me screaming after weighing in at Weight Watchers Thursday night. When I weighed in, I had lost 6.4 pounds. I was so excited I was doing a cheerleader dance! I am now at my lowest weight since I started. I have lost 109.2 pounds. Just wait I'm on my way now! It's going to keep going down.

I don't know when it happened but I got a renewed commitment! Since November I have not been doing anything to brag about. My desire for food and been more than my desire to get healthy.. But for some reason it's been like I just started. I told someone the other day that I feel like I did when I first started. Excited maybe? I have been back on track. Not eating between meals. Even that feeling of wanting to eat when I wasn't hungry is gone. I haven't been focused on it.

I was telling a friend this week I know why it has gotten easier. Someone is praying for me. I cannot explain it but I feel like someone is praying over me. I know some may say that is weird but I have to give credit where it is due. God is good all the time God is good.

So where am I now? I am on my way to getting to goal. I know that I have a few miles to walk and a few more battles to win but I have my God on my side. I have my friends and family on my side. And yeah somebody's praying me through....

Somebody's Praying Me Through
Pressing over me like a big blue sky
I know someone has me on their heart tonight
That’s why I know it’s gonna be alright
‘Cause somebody’s praying me through
Somebody’s praying me through
It may be my Mother, it might be my Dad
Or an old friend I’ve forgot I had
But whoever it is I’m so glad that
Somebody’s praying me through
Through the tears, through the rain
Through the sorrow, through the pain
It keeps bringing me through
Over and over again
So when you’re drowning in a sea of hurt
And it feels like life couldn't get any worse
There’s a blessing waiting to push back the curse
‘Cause somebody’s praying you through
Somebody’s praying you through
Someone got down on their knees and prayed for me
Somebody’s, somebody’s praying you through

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm so proud of you!!
Love ya!