There are still good times to be had....but right now the times are hard. Sometimes life is a struggle. Sometimes it is hard to keep going and stay on track. I am going through one of those times in life.
Someone asked me about a month or two after I started if I ever cheated. I was really upset. I could not believe she was asking me that! Some people are just not supportive! I was so proud of me and the efforts I made to be healthy and stay on task. And NO I had not cheated. If you asked me that question today, I couldn't' lie. I have cheated. Cheating on my points, cheated myself by not exercising!
The last few weeks have been very hard for me. I have made some really bad choices....really not making good choices!! I have been trying to get back on track but it is so hard. I have been told not to go back. No worries..I am not going back but I just can't seem to go forward. It is like I am stalled.
I tell myself all the time I have lost 107 pounds in 10 months. That is huge. But I have more miles to go, more pounds to lose. I keep giving myself a pep talk. You can do it, you have done well, you are going to continue to do well, you come a long way!
I think I can I think I can....remember The Little Engine That Could?
There was a train that needed help getting over the mountain but no one wanted to help. Only the little blue engine was willing to take on the big task, while saying I think I can I think I can...but he overcame a seemingly impossible task.
Looking at my task, it seems an impossible task. But I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN....a lot of people think I whole gang. So my new motto.... I know I can, I know I can.
I know I can do it with His help. Before my feet hit the floor every day, I will pray that He will help me through the rough patches . I will ask that He would help me make the best choices and you know what?
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8