Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sometime in the last few weeks, I posted a status on my facebook about my weight loss journey. It said .... Laura Lea needs help and support from all my friends and know who you are....the ones that supported and prayed for me as I lost the first 110 pounds. I need you to pray for me to get back in my routine with that determination that I had when I started!

It is amazing how God works. I got several comments about how people would be praying for me and how they knew I could do it. Some people may even be skeptics and think that this is far out there. But I felt the prayers of my friends and family! That day something changed. I could feel it on the inside that I was changing. My determination is now back. It was not easy the last week in South Dakota but I found myself back in a routine. Early breakfast, light lunch, early dinner. No snacking except for those runs to B&G, Milky Way, and DG! But since it was my snack for the evening. I didn't even snack in between meals. I am so glad to be back in the routine of things. The traveling was difficult. Between we ate when we could and what we could. I was looking at pictures from World Changers and Mission trip....I look different too. My smile is back, my face is clear, I just look different. Maybe it's just me! But I couldn't be more excited to know that I am back on track. I have some new goals....25 pounds by December 1st.....100 pounds by August 2010.

I know that I cannot do this by myself. I have to have the support of my family and friends and most importantly I have to rely on my Lord and Savior.
1. Eat 3 meals a day. 2 snacks in between
2. Curves 5 days a week after school
3. Water water water
4. I am going to try and get out and walk....we are not going to come in last at the EL Memorial Walk.

I am still looking for the me. I know that God has blessed me with talents and gifts. I feel like anything I put my mind and heart into that He will help me do. But I also realized this week that there is so much more for me to do and for me to do it...I have to reach my weight loss goal. I can do it. I want Him to use me even more.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm so glad you are still planning on doing the walk and that you have your mojo back. :)