Be prepared I use the word FAT... A lot.
Someone told me that even though I may lose weight and get skinny I might still see myself as fat. Aka FAT GIRL BRAIN.
confession. I've really never had fat girl brain. Even at my top weight (438), I didn't see myself as big and fat as really was. I was just me. People loved me as I was. No matter my size. No matter the number.....I was confident. Sassy. Loving. Outgoing. Fun.
The people that knew me accepted me. The people that didn't.....well didn't matter. I would win them over.
I never saw myself as a fat girl. Don't get me wrong I knew I was big. The scales didn't lie. But I carried on having no thoughts of limitations.
What would I, Laura Lea tell you about weight loss....
Lord it's hard to be humble.
It's hard for me to remain humble and not be vain.

This is not my first rodeo ride in the weight loss arena. Several years ago I lost a significant amount of weight. I was not the same person in the way I looked or on the inside. I WAS ARROGANT AND VAIN. It was all about what I had done and how hard I had worked.
God got no credit.
When the new journey started in January, I knew that it ALL had to be about it. Everything. He receives the glory. It's not about me. It's about him. It's about Him writing my story.
I read this on a blog and refer to it often....
God is the author of your story, not you. He has a plan and a purpose for you that is greater than you could dream up or imagine. If you think your dreams are big, imagine how big His dreams must be for you! If He is the author, He knows the beginning, the middle and the end. Nothing is too complex for Him, no detail is left unnoticed, and His timing is perfect. Sometimes life can be complicated, hard and confusing, but that’s why we have to remember that we have the God of the universe in charge of our story.
His plan and purpose for this journey is bigger and greater than I can begin to imagine. If I took the pen and write it and took credit for it, it would be plain, simple, and ordinary.
When He writes, it's big, amazing, and extraordinary.
So what will I do?
I will yet praise Him, my great Redeemer.
I will yet stand up and give Him glory with my life
He takes my darkness and He turns it into light
I will yet praise Him, my Lord my God!

He takes my darkness and He turns it into light
I will yet praise Him, my Lord my God!